Originally Posted by BlaqMogul
my GFs phone is bricked......really bricked.......no bootloader....no splash screen..........nothing....just a black screen. her phone was never rooted and she rarely downloads anything..Sprint says they will send a new one but they are on backorder (no ETA).......what should i do?
That's just a defective phone. Nothing to do w/ rooting.
Also, have you tried pulling the battery then putting it back in.
Then hold Volume Down while you power on the phone?
Does it do anything besides a black screen?
For everyone else, I'm pretty sure it's almost impossible to brick the evo.
Getting stuck somewhere is possible, but bricking it is very hard.
You don't do anything during any of the steps that will affect the bootloader screen.
On Windows Mobile it was easy to brick devices because you changed the bootloader to get full access. If you load the wrong bootloader, or interupt the process while it's changing the bootloader, your phone is bricked. That's not the case on Android.
In fact, someone posted in my thread that they were flashing a rom and the phone fell off the desk and the battery popped out and turned the phone off, in the middle of flashing.
They just had to go into bootloader and start flashing again.
So, since the bootloader screen stays the same, you can always get to it and flash a different rom or push files or use adb shell to fix whatever mess you made.