Originally Posted by youngpro83
Had to order me a replacement TP2. Mine wont sync at all now. I even flashed back to stock, uninstalled active from my computer, restarted and re installed active sync to my computer. Hard reset with stock ROM and tried to connect.....No go. I was loving my phone. Oh well cant complain about getting me a new device. This should be fun. Unlocking and flashing all over again!! Yay!!
Dayum...sorry, bro.
Don't forget: virgin computer and virgin ip address = free unlock.
Virgin computer means "that" computer has never run the unlocker before. I wouldn't even use the same computer with a fresh hard drive.
Virgin IP means an Internet connection that has never fed a computer that ran the unlocker.
Not sure, but the unlocker could nab the Mac Addy and/or the IP address ... I've unlocked 5 phones this way without any hassles.
Or you can just pay again...