Originally Posted by tekknogenius
For me I need to go to help then watch the tutorial video 1st then back to the shortcuts then it works. It's a bit of a pain, but I don't watch sprinttv that much that it makes too much of an issue.
Sprint TV/Options/Help/Watch Welcome Movie/Done/select tv or radio or premium channel
Note: you don't have to watch the entire welcome movie, just let it start then select done which will return you to the shortcut menu, select your choice from there. Works for me.
cab attached for working sprint tv w/o multiple steps to run
Originally Posted by teradog
VERY cool, yea... forgot about that trick, thanks to you!
So.. restated...,
If you want screenshots of your webpages to show up in BOTH cookie quicklinks favorite icon AND in the internet sense slider tab, pull up the webpage first in internet explorer. (not opera... I couldn't figure out why some of mine were showing & not others... ha! I was using MSVoice Command to pull up favorites by voice "open websitefavoritename" & that ONLY opens them in I.E.! :>))
im just glad i remembered lol