Originally Posted by monkey
what i mean when i say "they act the same" is the endless resets (see topic title).
and thats all the details i can give since it won't let me do anything.
bootloader version: 2.40 ( http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=9093)
radio version: 3.27
i'm going to try reflashing one more time.....
re-flashed.....working now.... thanks to everyone who replied.
Well i'm glad that you got it fixed but I took your thread as you having a similar problem no matter which rom you used so therefore you had to physically hard reset the phone yourself (I.E. a program not running currectly, etc...)and not the phone resetting by itself. At this point I wouldn't expect anyone to be making a thread about the phone resetting itself since its clearly stated what needs to be done before you actually flash and what happens if don't do whats needed.