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Old 07-28-2010, 01:00 AM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
So you're leaving Sprint and going to AT&T for the Streak? Hopefully your already have a spare AT&T account and have the grandfathered unlimited data plan or expect to pay much, much more for service and a capped data plan. Also you know that the phone is shipping with Android 1.6 at release when 3.0 is expected to drop by years end. Don't forget that many current highend apps/games require Android 2.x just to run on.

How many upgrades do you think Dell is going to offer? At least if the phone shipped with 2.1 or 2.2 there's a chance it'll see 3.0, but I doubt that any manufacturer will bring a phone through this many upgrades. Whenever it finally sees Froyo then that's probably the last official update you'll see from Dell.
Actually, my buddy has an extra line on his Unlimited Data Plan that I am taking over (splitting it into two accounts). Plus with working for them I get a nice little discount on my plans (and from my promotion I can get discounts on hardware).

Yes, I am aware that it is going to ship with 1.6 (as of now), I am also aware that they plan to have a 2.1 or 2.2 update available shortly after launch (and yes, I do believe they will, as I have said, I have 100% faith in dell).

Also, I will still have my Sprint family plan (moms plan, with me, my brother, and 2 other family members) until 09/14/2011, so I will still have Sprint as well, and I may even extend that one once it is up based on what HTC phones sprint has to offer at that point in time.

Anyway, Yes, I do know what I am doing, and basically as long as I am happy that is all that counts, as I am going to be the one with the phone(s).

What will be better then having a Dell Streak in one hand and the Rhodium in the other? (Oh, until that Rhodium becomes either an Evo or whatever it is that replaces the Evo, as I won't go to WP7, F that noise)
Phone: hTc Evo 4g LTE
HBoot: 1.12.2222 (S-Off)
ROM: MeanROM v6.0 (OC @ 1.72 GHz)
Kernel: #Mean-v0.5.1728
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