Originally Posted by m4f1050
Right. If I don't have any music and I press any of the Music Player options it crashes MaxSense, only way of fixing it is HARD RESET. I don't know but maybe just maybe you could press the music player by accident and POOF, there goes all your hard work configuring phone the way you like it... That's how I found out about this bug, by accident I pressed the music player and it shut down MaxSense and never came back up. I am going to export registries before and after this to check for changes. If I don't find anything then it's a file or database corrupting.
NOTE: What I did to avoid this from happening again was copying an alert to the \My Documents\My Music folder.
Damn I would say that's more than a bug if it's resulting in you having to do a hard reset just for not having music on the phone or SD card, seems kind of weird that no one else has reported that issue though, so if I was you I would make sure that it's not something that your installing or restoring and then try it, and if it's still doing that to PM NRG and notify him of the issue and I'm sure he'll look into that.