Originally Posted by ekt8750
Well NAND restores the ROM too. If you do a NAND back up of say 1.7 then upgrade to 1.9 then do a NAND restore, you'll go back to 1.7. I'm not sure what you want to do. If you want just update to the new version and keep everything you have, you can update without wiping. It's when you change ROMs from one dev to another is when you should do a full wipe.
Also if you do an update over top your current setup, still do a NAND backup just in case something happens your phone bricks.
Thats what I thought. I just did a Titanium backup. I didn't know updating doesn't wipe. Again, Im used to WinMo. Anytime time I updated Mighty it wiped
On the sapphire theme. Ive got to say, I dodn't think Id like it being recolored, but damn thats a sexy blue. Thank you OMJ and all!