Originally Posted by hthomas
Yea I've heard I'm not a great communicator, thanks for your patence.
I've converted a lot of stuff to OEM(common-0409) n placed them in the EVK OEMs, common or 0409.
I want to change the location some of these OEM put thier start icons.
(I thought it was in the dsm - I know nothing about OEM very little about anything else)
For example here is my SIM manager OEM pair. The package places its start icon in a folder called "Calls". How do I change that?
And again thanks for the help and patience........
First....I would look for an EXT to OEM converter that Alexx~ posted over at Mobile Underground. It allows you to combine the files part of the EXT and 0409(aka Language) into one OEM. It also combines the reg's for both. It moving it to the Calls folder can be two things, the initflashfiles.dat in OEM_lang_0409 or the initflashfiles.txt in the OEM itself.
Link to tool