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Old 07-27-2010, 02:14 AM
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Re: SO CLOSE.. HELP! flashing while tethered?

Here is a link to the "Help" section...


HSPL not working for you? Some have reported...

...they could not HSPL their phone unless they had an active connection to the Internet while running the HSPL.

"I use my phone as a modem. I cannot be connected to the internet and active sync at the same time. Now what do I do?"

Well- there is a handy little app you can get called "Wifi Internet Sharing" that turns your phone into a mobile Wifi hot spot. It is free (the developer would appreciate your donation) and can be found here...

After installation- look in the Settings\Connections folder on your phone for "Wifi Internet Sharing". Run it. Connect wirelessly to your desktop. Open your desktop browser. Then plug in your USB cable for active sync. Should work (worked for me).
I did a quick visit to the link to make sure it was still active. He mentions that it will not create a shortcut. If that is the case -you can look in the Windows directory (with Total Commander or Resco Explorer) and run it from there or create a shortcut for it from there.

Look for CMInternetSharing.exe

hope that helps. and hope you get your rom going.

Last edited by thepolishguy; 07-27-2010 at 02:20 AM.
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