Originally Posted by ryanmv213
If anyone is interested in overclocking there phone I have combined a couple of the brilliant guides and ideas from xda into something that worked extremely well my tp2. I originally posted this in Bignadad's thread but I'm currently using this on NRGZ's ROM and it works brilliant. I'll describe the setup I'm using with the newest script by jpc073 at xda for the last day and I've been getting great benchmarks and no battery drain. I am happy to say I am now overclocked at 729 mhz stable without SOD and without having to change the frequency every time the phone sleeps.
Follow the easy guide by Buru898 in this post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=7330081#post7330081 BUT replace the arguments; 'under.mscr' at the end of 'step 4' with the 'startup.mscr' you create here by using this script : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=7344437&postcount=602. Highlight the entire script and drop it into a blank text document and save it as 'startup.mscr'(without the quotations). This script may have to be edited to find where you DispOn is located within your registry. Here are those steps to find and edit the mortscript to make sure it will work with your TP2 (I found the DispOn in my registry under HKLM\Drivers\Display).
1. On your phone open the registry editor and search for "DispOn" in the entire registry. If it does not show you won't be able to use this script. You could, however still use the power script and OC always to 604 but that is no fun!
2. Once you have the location of the "DispOn" Value ensure this is right in the script. To do this first locate the Root it is found in. This will be HKLM, HKCU etc. Ensure that the Root is correct in the script (the one I posted it is "HKCU"). To change this look for 'reg_root = "HKCU"' in the script. Change the HKCU to whatever the root is that your "DispOn" was found in.
3. Next do the same thing for the key. Locate the line 'reg_key_bkl = "ControlPanel\BackLight"' and change the ControlPanel\BackLight to whatever the Key is that your "DispOn" was found in.
After this is saved then copy it to the root of your registry with total commander. Edit the file with total commander and make sure it is startup.mscr and not startup.mscr.txt. Once again this mortscript you created will be used instead of under.mscr in the arguments at the end of step 4 in Buru898's guide and follow the rest of the steps. I'll include my startup.mscr that works for sprint tp2 if anyone's interested. You can also change the values inside the startup.mscr when it is a text document because some tp2's can run a higher overclocked frequency. Mine works great at 768 but 787 is an EPIC FAIL!
I have been using Buru's procedure and works great for me but only at 710. Above that is SOD.
Anyhow, I will test yours as well and try it out. If it works as described, I'll add it in this thread made for TP2 CDMA here
it is the same one as NetRipper but here on TP2 PPCGeeks after his authorization was accepted since not everyone here is on XDA.