Originally Posted by Nygel
just taught I chime in and say that I am still rocking the 1.7 ROM.
OMJ can you implement a type of upgrade procedure depending on what ROM you are on. like for instance if you are on 1.7 the you can udate the files to the latest and greateast but if you want to geta deodex rom then that will require a flash of the new system..... just taught cause you might already have something like that in the works. I am glad you are one of he chef that keep up withthe ROM Manager updates that tying to implement your own system.
thanks for all that
yeah I was thinking about something like that, but haven't really looked into it....regardless if u flash the entire /system or partial, we're talking about a time saving of what, 30 secs, maybe a minute? I'll look into it.
Originally Posted by jbryson16
I just flashed 1.9 saphire from 1.7deo and rom manager wont flash it has an error everytime i try. None of of the functionalities are usable if you dont have it flashed. Any suggestions on what to do?
what error are u getting?
Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
Hey has anyone been able to send a video mms with this ROM? I can't send them. Nobody ever gets them, and I don't get any error messages.
Someone on another forum confirmed theirs was working but their phone is stock.
Come to think of it, I sent a couple videos that were recieved when my phone was stock too.
Does anyone have working mms- specifically the ability to send a video mms and have the recipient actually get it?
I'll have to test video, I know pix is working
Originally Posted by londawg314
doesnt work. if i try and run it i get application not installed. if i place it in the system/app folder when you try and enable hot spot it still crashes.. i'm trying to test a wired tether app but it says it needs hotspot installed...
hmmm, I'm not sure then....