Re: how to wifi tether with current OTA 1.47
For any of you who ran Damage Control 3.2.3 (I did the 3-step root method, so that's all I can swear to this working for), and had to run an older version of unrevoked to get it to install, you don't have to go through all these steps. Just download the version of wireless tether Boo Boo posted, uninstall the old version, and run the new apk. You MUST manually uninstall the old version (use app manager), it seems, then install the new version. No need for unrevoked3
I figured this out in desperation, because I had the problem others in this thread had, of getting the installer to quit "waiting" for my device to be hooked up. I tried everything, then decided to see why the apk wouldn't install. Once I deleted the existing one, it installed and I am posting this from my laptop tethered to the Evo.