Originally Posted by homerandabe69
im sorry if this has been mentioned before but the terms dont work with the search funtion. has anyone gotten text message could not be sent errors? if so does anyone know how to fix this? its very annoying.
This happens to me occasionally when I'm in a low-signal area, or when there's a temporary 1x network outage. It normally goes away within 5 minutes if it is due to the network.
Originally Posted by cnr0616
Now that the MightyROM development might be coming to an end, I have been looking for another ROM. All the other ROM's do not seem to be nearly as stable or fast as MightyROM, at least on my phone. I keep flashing one I think will be good, but I always end up flashing back to MR's 6/20 version. This reminds me of the NFSFan series ROM for the HTC Vogue. When that series of ROM stopped the phone became stagnant until Andriod development revived it. Unfortunately Andriod development for the TP2 isn't quite there yet.
Seriously, what are we going to do when MR for the TP2 stops? My ROM making skills are very rusty, plus I couldn't take the criticism. I sure hope MM leaves us with some tips, instructions, and some files!
Mr. X ROM.