WTB: Used Verizon Touch Pro 2- Found one please close
Hey all,
I've been watching ebay for a week or 2 now, seeing these go from $92 to $300. I actually missed a "buy it now" for $100 yesterday on one.
I'm looking for a Verizon Touch Pro 2, with a clean ESN and in fairly good shape (no major scraches or bangs on it). Right now, I can only spend a MAX (including shipping) of $135 for one.
I will need to see pictures and a rep of some type. You can look on ebay under the user: Lord_Me for my ebay rep.
If you have one that you will be able to sell in my range, feel free to PM me or Email me at my user name @ hotmail. My titan/XV6800 in a part trade is possable(but, not for $135).
I am looking daily on other sites, etc, so first one I find in this range I will buy if it's in good shape.
Thanks for reading !
Last edited by DavidinCT; 07-30-2010 at 05:20 PM.
Reason: A little more funds for one