Most LED bulbs are not designed to be dimmed (although some models are designed to work with dimmers), and are usually directional. The lamps are declining in cost to between $4 – $20 each (2010). However, these bulbs are slightly more power efficient than the compact fluorescent bulbs[5] and offer extraordinary lifespans of 30,000 or more hours (although this lifetime is highly dependent on operating temperature, and may be significantly lower if the lamp is operated at a higher temperature than specified.[6]) A LED light bulb can be expected to last 25–30 years under normal use. The bulbs maintain output light intensity very well over their life-times. Energy Star specifications require the bulbs to typically drop less than 10% after 6000 or more hours of operation; and, in the worst case, the drop must be less than 15%
if LED lamp is the similar to what is in the EVO, i would say you would probably be using a new phone by the time your LED dies unless you have it on constantly for whatever reason.
i personally use LED Desire Light which is free from the market and it allows different levels of brightness and a widget.