Originally Posted by austin420
see, most people got sero by scamming an employee email addy online anyway. alot of (NOT ALL) these sero holders that are complaining so hard, are trying to hold on to a deal that wasnt even meant for them. i m not hating on that. i get a big discount that is better than the corp. disc. im supposed to be getting. let the hustlers hustle. but know when its time to let it go.
You mean like the "savings@sprint.com" that sprint leaked out to the deal sites to let people sign up without even knowing an employee? If they were concerned with "hustlers" signing up, they wouldn't have created a generic, public, back-door email address to allow more people to sign up. I think it was a myopic business decision wherein they decided that goosing their net subscriber gains was more important than maintaining a healthy margin by keeping an eye on ARPU. I used the savings@ email address and haven't missed any sleep over it. I don't feel like I hustled anyone, or got a plan that "wasn't meant for me" in the least. If they hadn't opened it up to people like they did, it might be a different story, and I can very well say I probably wouldn't have tried googling an employee email addy to sign up with. To me,
that is starting to get into dishonest territory. Aside from that, SERO was, for awhile anyway, a "come one, come all" kind of party...with a wink and a nod from sprint itself.