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Old 07-24-2010, 11:20 PM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

For anyone wanting to try the new album (picture from album to FB) just released as a beta in the lite Multi Carrier rom. The UI is nice in this album, worth the upgrade alone.
Here's the link for dl:

Originally Posted by suntopper View Post
flashed 9.8 all carrier last night. Everything went smooth. (Even with the storage card in!). Phone, sms, mms, camera all with no issues. I still can't send a mms from the photo album (well actually I can, I just don't have any idea of when it will send it. Weird!!!) but that's been ongoing for quite a while (maybe forever).

What can I say. Another great ROM! And now, with so many theming options. I just can't decide (nice prob to have though).

Album to facebook send fixed for next release. See next note for comment from rattler459 who has the beta lite version I uploaded today. Will be posting a full version for Multi Carrier and Sprint in a few days.

Originally Posted by rattler459 View Post
running 9.8 lite that you linked for me.
Facebook uploads work perfect the only error so far is that the installed windows live is broken but that is an easy fix by just downloading it from marketplace.
Will let you know of anymore errors

thanks again for the upload fix
I did not include WL in the lite version so what you are seeing is a dead shortcut. There may be others that I didn't notice in the lite version so me know if any other shortcuts not working.

Originally Posted by dapbmonkey4u View Post
I am running the multi carrier 9.8v I could not get the USCC provisioning to work. It kept saying installation unsuccessful. I used one I have and everything is running smooth!
USCC provisioning has been a problem for sometime. Others have reported the problem the same as you. I then took the cab they used post install that worked and used it in the rom. Still get the same error with USCC, for some reason the provisioning does not work for USCC.
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Last edited by Timberwolf671; 07-24-2010 at 11:49 PM.
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