Is no one else dissapointed on the build quality of the evo? I had it all day yesterday along side a iphone 4 and notices a huge build quality between both. My feelings on the iphone are full of
. But I couldnt help noticing how beautifully build it is. It actually feels very solid and almost armored tank like. On the other hand, the Evo. I felt cheap, plastic like, not solid and almost like a fake toy phone. Oh, and the screen pealing up did not help. Why cant HTC never get it right? And thats just the hardware. The software wasnt near as fluid smooth as the iphone OS. I completely lost hope on HTC. I have moved on and will never spend a dime on their handsets. I cant wait for the galaxy to arrive.
How do you guys and girls feel about the build quality? Be honest and dont troll me.