Originally Posted by anhphe076
Try install Theme CHT v3.0 for CHT1.8.5 glass. Post #4325
or install fix button pushed here:
Test feedback..........
What were those cabs supposed to do specifically?
Ack...I messed around with those cabs, then tried reinstalling my old Sense cabs, and now when I start the phone, it says, "Starting HTC Sense" then goes away, comes back up, goes away, comes back up, then goes away and is replaced by "Tap here to start HTC Sense" and tapping it starts that process over again.
Something I did broke Sense. What I find weird is that I have a 6467A103_manila file that replaces my notification icons, and I tried throwing it in the windows folder after installing the CHT theme, and usually it asks to overwrite the old one, but this time it didn't.