Originally Posted by abrigham
Just saw a thread about it over at XDA and thought I'd bring it to everyone else's attention. It appears that both Sprint and Verizon have decided to replace the Downloads tab with a tab offering a list of the carrier's suggested downloads. Sprint users see a Sprint tab and Verizon users see a Verizon tab. This seems to be device independent (tho it started in the EVO forums over there, some Droid users are reporting it as well) as well as ROM independent. If you don't see it yet, you will as it seems to be slowly rolling out (thread on XDA is about 2 hours old, some that said they didn't have it at the beginning of the thread have come back later and said it just showed up for them). You can, of course, still access your downloads from the menu.
XDA Thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...=733941&page=4
This is not at all new with Verizon Android devices. Their phones have had the VZW tab from the Moto Droid first launched. And it's not really their suggested apps, they're VZW specific apps, like VZ Navigator.