Originally Posted by derfnoslen
Tim Smith, one more thing. I heard that MS would not allow user-accessible memory cards? Is that true, I forget where I read it or I'd post a link. It stated that the phone can have microSD card etc as long as they are not user accessible? I'm asking because with Zune etc, I am going to need some space.
Last I heard, that there will be a flash card in the system(and possable user replaceable) but, it will be setup like a raid harddrive config. Once you replace the card, the raid will be broken and it will bring a phone back to the factory settings (you will lose everything). As Microsoft is trying to provent pirated software, this will keep it a little more secure.
Besides this (another downfall) the reviews are very postitive and I am holding tight till they are released to get a new phone.
Who knows they might screw it up from now to release. Time will tell, it will need a lot to be a Android/iPhone killer as some of the reviewers are claiming it might be.