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Old 02-20-2008, 05:20 PM
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Re: Sprint Denies PPC customers from sending picmail

Thanks. I've read all I need to read. I've been with Sprint for 9 years. And up until now, happily so. I felt they provided the best service at the best price. But for them to come up with such a lame excuse (spam) when other cheaper phones they carry CAN send MMS messages, that really spins my mind. Therefore, as soon as I find out when my contract with them ends (I'm not totally sure I even have one) I will be switching to another company. Phone number portability is a good thing. Depending on what the other company offers, I may take the bite on the cancellation. The only downside I ever had with my Treo 700wx is that the camera isn't the best and does not come with a flash. I had resigned myself to not buying another phone unless it can compare to this phone and has a flash. I've dropped this phone so many times, i've been thinking about replacing it anyway. So the research is on for me to find a phone just as good, if not better than my phone, with a flash, and supports MMS. What about the Treo 600p/650p? I think I read that you can still send pics from those. As a matter of fact, I know a buddy of mine with one sent me a pic not too long ago. Funny thing is I had one before but "upgraded" to the 700wx when they hit the market. Talk about kicking myself. Good thing is, for those that don't want to or can't switch providers, you can go on Ebay and get another phone until this issue is resolved. How about the 700p/755p? Maybe it's just an issue of Windows vs Palm OS. I know neither of the replacements I mentioned have a flash, and you lose the cool factor of Windows, but at least you can send MMS.

Personally, another rip is that for loyal customers, we don't get any REAL discounts on phones. Unlike the discounts that noobs get. I'm not knocking the noobs, just it seems to me that you would offer the people that have been feeding their pockets for years would get the best deals.

Last edited by Blade_69; 02-20-2008 at 06:33 PM.
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