Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
Originally Posted by KIOWA69
Originally Posted by hellonwheels
I usually use titanium... but trying out july 21 cookie... Anyways autofill in is broken in Standard SMS... new sms> to: [xxxx] It tries to bring up some names, but then stops and doesn't update them after a single or double char. input. Is this true for everyone? I have 502 contacts. Have reset several times... Contacts were synced with gmail exchange server...
What keyboard are you using? I think there was an issue with one of the keyboards in the past, I believe it was the Swype keyboard, try switching to one of the other ones and see if that fixes your issue.
thank you.. no problem with regular soft keyboard. having swype selected (-but not using) messes up the name search filter to less tha useless