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Old 07-23-2010, 11:38 AM
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Re: **ATTENTION CHEFS** HTC "Enhancements" vs Performance

Originally Posted by dishe View Post

Still, there's plenty of tutorial/in depth threads that I've started, such as the HTC Video Playback Bible ( -you copied/rewrote this thread from here: - that article was posted on the WEB 2 days before yours.. your "write-up" mirrors that Original Post... nice Copy job
or older kitchen-related tuts ( - ill give ya this one because Kitchen were confusing in the begining back then..
Originally Posted by patheticpuma View Post

well boredandtattoed, i have been seeing your name come up a lot lately in posts i have been reading and i notice one common issue with most of your posts, you dont actually try to help people answer or address their initial questions/concerns, instead you b*tch constantly about how everyone elses posts are a waste of time to read. I am a firm believer that if you dont have something useful or positive to say than KEEP YOUR [Comment removed by the cyber police] [BACKTRACED] VIRTUAL MOUTH SHUT.

and FYI dishe has been extremely helpful to many people on this forum, including myself and a very good friend of mine, who when first got his titan had all kinds of problems and dishe went out of his way to personally help him get everything situated.

I know you think your sh*t dont stink but in reality you are just an annoying thorn in the foot of the community that is here to help others, not b*tch about them.
P.S. -You single handedly make me regret liking the band MSI


@ dishe, I think this post IS a worthwhile topic and I for one appreciate you bringing it to the attention of everyone.
and now to You, what crawled up your ass??

You- Jan 09
Me - Feb 09

now... look at our ratings, obviously im helping people plenty..

since your a new fish: maybe like dishe i need to post threads that are forever old:

My Free TP2s thread: - Ah yes, created quite an uproar, lots of people who got free upgrades to TP2 and now in this forum, definitely loved that one

Everything 4G:

Everything Tething:

Cabs, Cabs, Cabs: - maybe my most extensive write up - 100 "thanks" on that one

I broke the original "rumor" on iPhone to VZW story a year ago:

and heres my last 150 thanked posts for you to gander at:

You on the otherhand, have been thanked 34x in a year and a half, ive been thanked 100's in the same time.. so im obviously doing something thats ok..

lets disect you now for a moment.. all your started Threads:

Your Posts:

- YOU, just seem to get frustrated and need answers, like a lost lil puppy... you dont really seem to be helping much either- guess the Pot called the Kettle black in your case..

**SO... thanks for being haters! Dishe, i can admit were both in about the same spot, even after your "hiatus".. Patheticpuma, while certainly pathetic, id suggest trying to pick on someone a little more in your "class", maybe youll have better luck trying to call out someone thats a little more even to you..**

**and i said i found the Thread rude, not the people, just to clarify.. so all 3 of US here just sunk to new levels just to call people out.. Feel better about yourselves now?**

Last edited by Mr. X; 07-23-2010 at 01:39 PM.
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