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Old 07-23-2010, 10:57 AM
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Arrow Looking for a Droid X...... WITH a keyboard!

I have been holding my breath for quite some time now, waiting to upgrade to a new phone (I had the TP1 from Verizon for a couple years, and then upgraded, for free, to a TP2 via Verizon's customer service dept), and although the TP2 is quite capable and I've enjoyed it profoundly - it is time, in my mind at least, to upgrade.

The problem that I face, although not a dire or life threatening one by any means, is WHEN to upgrade?

The Motorola X, even with the horribly integrated user interface I have read about, is still a crazed maniac of steroid pumping proportions - AND I LIKE THAT! However... I am a die hard sliding keyboard junkie, and simply won't drop hundreds of dollars on ANYTHING that will take up vital and precious phone-screen real estate, just so I can clumsily attempt to mash virtual buttons with my thumbs.

So my question is... does anyone know of a Verizon device slated to arrive within 2010 at any point in time, that is identical (or, as a wish-in-vain even MORE powerful) to the Droid X, with a keyboard?

The Droid X's processor, camera, and overall build make it a near must-have for me, but it missed the mark without a keyboard - much like the forthcoming (August 12th) Droid-2 missed the mark due to a sub-par increase in overall system specs.

Thanks for any input!
August 12th... Droid-2! Still undecided; but leaning toward purchasing, as a phone to "tide" me over (according to great advice from ckeegan) until truly remarkable devices are released from Verizon fully operation on 4G networks in 2012!
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