Alrite fellas, I think I finally got the proper way to stealth tether/connect using ICS. In my case, I wasn't able to find anybody who had all the exact correct steps. I followed a few of the steps that forum member "Boo Boo" posted. However, some steps were missing. The following steps will work for TP2 users who are using the stock 6.5 Sprint Rom:
1) Install
DotFred's TaskManager. After install, start the program and go to the "Services" tab. Find "CM Guardian", click and hold it and then press stop. Once again, click and hold "CMGuardian" and select "Set Manual". Exit out of the program.
Soft Reset
2) Install the ICS_and_WModem_Fix cab that is attatched below.
3) Using a Registry Editor, edit the following:
Delete the "isext.dll" entry located here:
Change ForceCellConnection to Sprint, if it is not already done so:
You may have to create this DWORD entry if it is not already there:
I didn't need to make any changes here as it was already done. But you might have to:
Flags = 4 (it's a DWORD Value. if it doesn't exist. you need to create it)
Change the following if needed. If you are missing some of these entries, don't worry. There is no need to create them:
CheckProfile = 0
Multi-NAI = 0
WModemDUN = 0
LastCellConnection = Sprint
Soft Reset
4) Then go into the Windows directory on your phone using a File Explorer and make a backup copy of the IntShr.exe file and save it to another directory. This will be your backup to save just in case you have any problems in the future.
Then go back to the Windows directory and make a copy of IntShrUI.exe. Save it to another directory. Then rename the IntShrUI.exe copied file to IntShr.exe . Copy that file and place it back into the Windows directory. A prompt will pop up asking if you want to overwrite the existing file. Select "Overwrite." You will get a message stating that this is a ROM file and it is dangerous blah blah. Ignore that. The reason to do all of this is because the original IntShr.exe is not protected against tethering and doesn't offer the Sprint/Phone As Modem option. This is what I mean:
That is also the same file that pops up when you select Internet Sharing whenever you connect your phone to your PC using USB. You don't want that. BY making these changes, now every time you connect your phone to your PC via USB, and you select Internet Sharing, it will start up the correct ICS file. This is the screen you want popping up:
Now, Reboot.
5) You should make sure to turn "Data Connection" on in the Comm Manager. Connect your phone via USB cable to your PC. When the selection screen pops up on your phone (ActiveSync, Disk Drive, Internet Sharing), make sure to select Internet Sharing.
Select Sprint under type of connection, if it is not already selected.
Hit Connect In the Internet Sharing application, although it may connect automatically.
6) You're done. I know that's quite a few steps, but this was the way that it fully worked for me. If you want Wi-Fi tethering, you can install one of the numerous Wi-Fi cabs that are floating around. But do so after you finish these steps. Hope this can help someone out.