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Old 07-22-2010, 09:05 PM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

Originally Posted by scottpack View Post
Is anyone else having a problem with CHT version mismatch on - All Carrier Rom V9.8 Manila 2016 23563 CHT 1.8.5?
I am currently redownloading & reflashing.

On an after thought, do you have anything in your SDcard XDA_UC related to CHT in form or version.

Originally Posted by suntopper View Post
Don't know if it's related to scottpack's issue but I can't get beyond the "sim card detected" white screen. I hit OK and it just stayed there. Turned it off and back on and it will run xda_uc and show the provisioning screen but nothing happens.

Just to make sure I reflashed the all-carrier (with the sprint tabs) and all was well.

Will try to re-DL just to see.

BTW, I did run task 29 both times.
Well it appears that there is something wrong with the Muti Carrier version. For scottpack problem a re-install of the CHT1.8.5.1 Editor will solve the problem for now.

For the 2nd problem, I didn't see that anyone tried removing their SDcard and rebooting. Prior information stored on the SDcard can and will cause unknown problems. Task29 should be used only if the is users jumping from one rom to the next. If you are a user that is only using by roms, then Task29 is not needed. I have switch to Visual XDA_UC version and that also could be the problem. If you have the time to reflash without the SDcard in the slot and see you still have the problem.

Originally Posted by eeltam View Post
I had the same problem as suntopper. reflashed without success.
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