Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
i picked a start icon at random to show it works fine on vins rom. ill upload picture in a minute.
settle down young, your tweets can wait till fix or use portrait if the people need to read your tweets, omg your pissy. btw, i just tried vins cab on fresh flash and it works fine on all ends(tweeting/reading) in landscape so.....
if you need ss other than vins showing it working i will post um for ya, im tweeting now in landscape and loving it, glad i tried vins cab.
Sorry D. Just having one of those days where everything is or seems to be a problem and everybody seems to have something to say, but nothing is resolving any issues.I know Ur comment was only intended as dry humor. I just need to take a day off from life if thats even possible. Nothing personal in my reply, just kinda was the straw that broke the camels back.