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Old 07-22-2010, 12:43 PM
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Themed ROM Chef
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

I want to set something perfectly straight: These ROMs required a HELL of a lot of work to put together. ALOT of stuf had to be CUSTOM made. I started cooking because I didn't like the fact that NRG dropped Dusk and I really didn't like his battery life. If you don't like my ROM's, go get your own kitchen. DO NOT ASK ME TO SHARE MINE!
I will Flame you like no other if you do...Seriously...I never even thought to ASK NRG, Bignadad, VIN, or anybody else to share their kitchen. If they wanted to share it, they would have posted it!
If I helped you, hit the THANKS button. If you like my work, Donations are not required but are appreciated.

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