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  #731 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2010, 11:48 AM
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Re: BharS 5.2.21665|PROJ_BS|2016|GENERIC|XDA_UC|09-Jul|V16|Co0kie|Black

My media player never skips nor has it ever skipped. this is the first time ive ever had a problem with the media player and it will start a song,mp3 file, but it always freezes after about 20-40 seconds. Ive always had about 3-4GB of music on my sdcard and it always played well on ur previous roms. Hopefully today ill hav time to back up my most important and most used cabs and files to a 2GB sdcard so the media player works until V17 is released. Other than the media player and a minor bug ive noticed is that landscape doesnt function correctly on the media player. Other than that the rom is running very fast,smooth, and stable. And it has a decent amount of memory after some heavy use. Cant wait for V17, and by the way i love the new OS. Keep up the excellent work.
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