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Old 07-21-2010, 05:11 PM
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Re: Problems receiving/making calls...anyone else?

Called sprint retentions and only paid $1.05 for the airave! No activation fee or montly service fee. Airave has arrived and took only 20 minutes for GPS acquisition! They say it can take up to an hour. I have 5 bars almost constantly on all my phones. Called sprint to verify the no activation fee or monthly service fee and they said I was good to go with no fees! My phone dropped two calls at home waiting on sprint customer service so I don't know if the airave lost signal, DSL had a glich or if it was sprint dumping me. I make sure I'm holding the phone correct for those that question that. The call is supposed to transfer over to the cell tower is what the paperwork says, it did not. However, I called a friend and talked for 10 minutes without any problems. Crystal clear call quality as well! I'm leaning now toward, sprint dumped me off. Time will tell when I receive calls if I miss any. If I do, it's got to be because the airave is having issues, DSL is out temporarily, or bad weather etc. All things should be on more than they are off and I should miss less calls. Also called At&T who our DSL is with. Two months ago, they didn't have DSL Elite available in my area. They do now!!! Will be transferred to their fastest speed tomorrow so running the computers and airave should have absolutely no problems! We will see. Would like to see the airave 2 come out soon. That would be interesting from what I read. AT&T already has the 3g MicroCell and Verizon is coming out with one as well. Sprint should be behind them shortly. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
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