Originally Posted by supdawg
Just checked mine. Denied. I bought it straight from Sprint and only used the 75$ 1 year credit toward a new handset. Does that mean my rebate is crap?
Gotta' figure out why it was denied. Mine said it was denied because THEY entered my home address incorrectly. Even AFTER I called them to correct it on Friday, it STILL showed as denied (apparently, it takes TWO WEEKS for it to update online although they claim that that has nothing to do with processing the rebate). I called them back this morning and even though I corrected my address (even though it was their damn fault that they entered it wrong), they still had the incorrect zip code.
What amazed me was that the minute the rebate CSR opened my record she could SEE that the zip code was wrong given that they actually DO link to your account.
I think they hire blind one-armed fingerless capuchin monkeys to enter the information from the rebate forms so that they can then enter the information incorrectly and then deny the claims.
I had published the phone number to the rebate center in my original post. My suggestion, call them and argue why they denied it. Betcha' they screwed up.