Way early EVO! *does cartwheel*
My contract end date is Oct. 10. I am getting it moved up to Jul. 20! All I did was tell them that my Touch Pro would get really hot and stop charging after a while, and that I took it to the Sprint store twice. They claimed they couldn't replicate the problem, but only tested the phone for a few minutes, so of course they wouldn't be able to. I said I would like my contract date moved so I can get a new phone and use the Touch Pro as a backup. All of this was true, so I have no fear of prosecution from the Morality Police. Bada bing, ring-a-ling, and I'm told that I will be able to get a new phone with the full discount tomorrow (7/20).
*That cartwheel by the way, made me land on my face. I can't do them.
**I'll have to change my signature, as I'll no longer be on the sweet America 1000 plan. I do have an interview with a company on the discount program, so hopefully I'll get the job and the discount!