Originally Posted by gTen
I am not saying they did not know about it before the release date..but I am saying it is possible for them to not to have known about it till already after they manufactured them in bulk...at that point there is no turning back for a company....similar to what happened with Windows ME...M$ played dumb saying no there is no memory leak issue...even though you can tell there was cause after opening paint brush your pc would slow down to a crawl (They also forced manufacturers not to sell the older OS and ONLY have ME)...and after a long time they finally admitted to the bug..and they have a working fix..that fix being buying windows XP, as a fix for ME was impossible....
But to say Apple knew about this when they initial designed the product is a stretch...
I don't know, to me that's like being surprised to find out that a resister resists the flow of electrical current or a capacitor has the ability to store an electric charge. Apple didn't create anything new here other then stick smaller components into a smaller frame. These are the basic laws of electronics that all cell phones share, not software with programmable variables (at least the antenna portion of the circuit). The basics of the cell phone here stay unchanged. To the average person something like this could be missed but not 40+ PhD's specifically in this field with years of experience working for other companies and seeing how other companies test their phones. Did Apple pick 40+ people right out of school with no work experience? I'm sure some of these people worked for HTC, Motorola, Samsung, Sanyo etc...None of this people said, "Hey maybe we should hold the phone in our bare hands and check signal levels like we did at x company?".
I guess it's possible, but I see this as more unlikely then all these specialists overlooking it.