Originally Posted by gTen
Apple wasn't there for that testing phase and thought they were being "innovative"..I remember before it came out them BRAGGING how they wrapped the antenna around that way to make it better...they clearly just didn't know what they were doing...it sounds good on paper but not practical..
I thought that when the phone was found in the bar someone on gizmodo speculated that the phone would have these very issues if that was the antenna on the outside of the phone. All I can find now easily was at least 2 weeks before release of the phone it was on the internet via
http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/26/i...-by-danish-pr/ and all this by looking at the dissection pictures. You don't think Apple was trolling through all the forums after the gizmodo story leaked. I still think they knew even before this article but how much more do I have to show before we all agree that
they knew before the release date?