I know what you are talking about. I might beable to adjust the highlight for you. I will take a look at black Flamerise when I am off tonight. I was able to change around some stuff in tsk's so I think I can get it for you.
I love using sqweaky as a testing bed any new things like CHT versions that aren't cooked in yet.
What XYC meant by no theme is that there is no manila theme like Dusk, Anastasia, or GTX. Some feel when they have a themed rom that they are tied into using it or some themed roms don't like having certain add ons. This is what happened in the earlier dusk themed roms, they didn't like add on taskbars and would bork the phone.
@code_311 this is a CFC compressed rom.
Originally Posted by Luzboss
hey. this question doesnt pertain to the newly released roms but was hoping someone could maybe shed some light...  i just flashed to 5_4 squeaky several nights ago and i absolutely love it. im going to be sticking with this for a while if it keeps doin what its doing? i had the previous 5_3 CLEAN and arcsoft kept freezing every 5-10 messages wich required a soft reset to fix. couldnt handle that so i flashed. lol anyway, squeaky so far is running smooth and no freezing and seems quite fast. i was playing with settings and noticed there were several "themes" under home settings (i thought squeaky wasnt supposed to have themes...????) and i tried them out and love the black flamerise theme. it looks so good to me. but the only thing that bugs is the color of the highlight in messaging. its a black backround with white text but when your in a message and click on a particular part of that message, it highlights it in a VERY light color. not white but damn close which makes the text almost dissapear. its not a huge deal but it would be nice if the highlighted color could be another color, preferably blue since that would go with the rest of the theme. is there any way to change this? im assuming it would be some sort of reg tweak such as changing a number or two which i have no problem with doing. if anybody has any info on this that would be awesome!!! thanks
i attached a screen shot of what im talking about. i noticed its easier to read the looking at the screen shot on the computer but it is very difficult on the phone.