Stock Rom (MR1) 1st Run Wizard -Navigation Troubles
First - Great site, nearly everything imaginable has already been posted. So after 3 months of flashing and tinkering this is my first post.
I'm returning my phone under a warranty issue. The screen has become totally unresponsive and Verizon is replacing it w/ a refurb. Fortunately the TP2 has a key pad that has allowed me to make calls and scroll through most options that are available.
To prepare for the return I've flashed MR1 stock rom and was then planning to relock and ship it out. Unfortunately, after loading the MR1 rom, the TP2 is diligently trying to put me through the "Set up Wizard". Because my touch screen isn't responding and the keypad doesn't seem to allow me to proceed through the wizard using the keys, I'm kinda stuck. I can navigate away from the wizard, but for only seconds at a time and then it pops back up. Also, I can no longer make phone calls (maybe the phone feature will work again if I can manage to get through the wizard).
So my questions are:
1) Should I just lock it and leave it like this? I think this would be obvious to whatever tech looks at it that it's been recently flashed thus voiding the warranty. (or do they even look that closely when these get returned?)
2) Should I try flashing Mr. X's MR2? Will that have the same set up wizard at the beginning and then relock from there? (I'm under the impression that I can flash his MR2 update without the phone being locked.)
3) Is there any file that I can delete or alter through ActiveSync that will allow me to prevent the phone from proceeding through the Setup wizard?