Originally Posted by higher diamonds
Manilla and "Sense is HTC software running on top of windows on your phone bud ( SPH mobile shell would do)
The manila is the orginial htc software running on top of windows ( that came with your diamond)
SEnse 2.1 and sense 2.5 is what most are using now ( was ported over to our vga phones)
I think Manila is a TouchFlow 3D Today Screen Plugin, not any "software running on top" of anything. As for "Sense", I have no idea... But if it has something to do with the ugliness of the ROMs that the OMJ kitchen pumps out, I'm glad I stayed away from it.
Say, you wouldn't know anything about pre organizing the folders and Start Menu in an EXT like that other fellow was talking about, would you?
- 2 Bunny