Originally Posted by kevin_richard08
Sorry everyone but I'm a noob and need some help. I did the HSPL already with no issues. I downloaded the Cookie Energy rom (23673) but instead of a "RomUpdateUtility.exe" file like I see mentioned several places in this thread, I got a "RomUpdateUtility.cfg" file and my computer doesn't know what to do with it. I tried renaming it to exe just in case but then my computer tells me I need a 32 bit version since I'm running Windows 7. However all other exe files I've used since I've had this computer have been fine. I'm guessing I shouldn't need to rename from .cfg, but how do I use this file type?
I was just getting ready to flash that rom myself. I am guessing you run "Imagio_SoftwareUpgrade.exe". I always right click and "Run as Administrator" since Windows7 is a little funny about which files it will and will not let run without Administrator privileges. I will report back if you don't get it before me.