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Old 07-18-2010, 06:16 PM
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Re: Official Favorite cabs Thread

Its Finaly Here!

Msm7kCpuSpeed, Overclock Tool for Touch Pro 2/Rhodium

July 18, 2010 By: orb3000

Finally, the free tool that lots of users have been waiting for! XDA member NetRipper has been working on a project for overclocking the Raphael and he successfully increased the clock speed up to 710MHz. Since the Raphael uses the same processor as the Rhodium, the Diamond, and the Topaz, a lot of users will benefit from this great tool.
This well finished UI will let you under or overclock by simply moving the slider.
Be warned, this tool can damage your device so use it at your own risk and please read instructions carefully.
Originally posted by NetRipper
[APP] Msm7kCpuSpeed – Overclock Raphael/Diamond/Topaz/Rhodium

After LeoCpuSpeed to overclock the HD2, I’ve been working on overclocking the MSM7k SoC on the Raphael, with success. The same processor is present on the Diamond, Rhodium and the Topaz, so it should work on all of these devices. I’ve been able to underclock to 57MHz and overclock up to 710MHz, using small 19.2MHz steps. It can clock even further, but it depends on the quality of the processor in your device where the limit for you lies.

Supported devices
  • Raphael
  • Diamond (unconfirmed)
  • Rhodium
  • Topaz (unconfirmed)
  • Blackstone
  • Whitestone
  • More?

You can find more information in the overclocking thread. =D>
If anyone or I help you Please hit the THANKS Hit me up on TWITTER for Windows Phone 7, tips/HD2/news & some XBOXLIVE You can click on link bellow.

Last edited by Improve; 07-18-2010 at 06:27 PM.
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