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Old 02-19-2008, 07:22 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Originally Posted by jeepers128 View Post
No2Chem... Thanks for the hard work you have put into this. I would like to see you keep up with the basekits. I understand that there people out there who don't know how to use them and it has been an issue but, for the people that do know how to use then please keep it up to date. I'd like to try UC but, i am afraid that some of regedits for my customizations (sp?) will not be able to work. Maybe wrong and I need to do more research and test it out. Thanks again for you work!
you know, i uploaded the basekit for the last rom but it seems like someone deleted it. I'll check up again on it when i have a good connection to upload it.
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