Originally Posted by ihavapro7
well the hard way to get it changed im just trying to get it change period lol
1. you need to take a shellres.128.dll (6.5 is different than 6.5.X and 6.1) and recmod it
2. you need to use a resource editor like "Reshack" to open the dll file
3. find all the icons with windows flags, change them out for new ones (replacement files have to be 21x21 .ico file or 24x24.ico file or they will look distorted
4. Now you have to download my kitchen
5.Add the shellres.128.dll as an EXT file (name the EXT something like zzzIcons - WIndows Flag
6. Make your own ROM
sorry but i have had no luck as of now creating cabs to overwrite shellres.128.dll file already included in ROM, but its possible it could be done that way...