Originally Posted by HTC Touch-Pro
I'm still not exactly sure how the "Droid" product line works... does Google manufacture phones, or do they simply offer up hardware to HTC and others, who then product the devices for them and use their branding?
No, the term "Droid" has little to do with Google, aside from shortening the word "Android". Droid is Verizon branding of Android devices made by HTC and Moto. Obviously it's still so new, that no one really knows how far the Droid branding will extend. Obviously the Samsung Fascinate is not part of the Droid branding campaign, and neither was the LG Ally. So, at this point, it's safe to say HTC and Moto are the only two manufacturers included.
Honestly, I do think it was a good branding idea by Verizon, however, it will become as diluted as Kleenex. By this, I mean the public will start using the word "Droid" to refer to any Android handset, whether Verizon likes it or not. Just like people who now say they need Kleenex, and pick up a box of Puffs brand. At first it was great for Kleenex, but now the term has just been diluted. Eventually, Droid will end up in the same boat....probably.
- Former Ad Agency guy.