Originally Posted by imaudi5000
oh sorry i did not specify. i know about the keyboard fix and use that everytime. i was talking about when using maxsense and i would slide the keyboard out and the phone should normal switch to landscape mode, it would only show the the 'program launcher/quicklink' page. i could launch programs but i couldnt see any other page (home, start, setting, etc. ) obviously this is not normal/acceptable for everyday use. i was wondering if this was a problem for anyone else and if it has been fixed in subsequent versions of the maxsense rom
What I believe is the issue is that these latest ROMs are based off of a Leo which doesn't have a keyboard and there is not a fix for this right now that I'm aware of. If you are pulling the keyboard out to send a text or email I would try opening up the program you are trying to use first and then pull the keyboard out and see if that helps, that's the only thing that I can think of that might help.