Originally Posted by slidebabyslide
I have had my tp 2 since last year. Im on my 10th and speaker keeps blowing and other problems with cheap HTC plastic. I did my ne2 this week. I wanted the incredible people said its a solid phone. I used it for 2 days speaker blow. They asked me if I would try the moto droid and I'm in love with the phone. I will be getting the droid 2 , when it comes out. Moto droid is made super solid and does not feel cheap. It feels like a benz and htc now feels like hyundai.
I agree Droids, by and large, are made with superior industrial-esque construction, and guts to match; but I've never heard much of a fuss over HTC's quality and build. Although some of their earlier phones weren't exactly anything to garner awards and survive being steam rolled without crumbling into a million pieces, I have always thought there were the best models available all things considered.
I have been 100% problem free for a year now with my Touch Pro 2; aside from some hard resets I've had to perform and daily soft resets of course since it runs Windows Mobile - but the build and feel are substantial and weighty.
Now... I have been reading a lot about the Droid X that just 'landed,' and aside from the comments pertaining to the crippling effect Motorola's tired and sluggish user interface renders, the guts are UNMATCHED and rival/surpass even the current king of the cellular castle, Evo. If the Droid X had a sliding keyboard, I would literally be in line when the store opened tomorrow.
Once a true power-house, like the Droid-X is released, with full Froyo (or in 2011 Ginger 3.0) with a well designed hardware keyboard, OTA auto updates, HD video capture and an extremely accurate photo sensor complimented with an 8mp+ spec rating - I'd easily and readily hand over my paycheck for a device like that...