Originally Posted by rom116
Thanks again man, despite being a complete smart ass, you're actually very helpful. Another question, any idea where the rest of the ringtones are stored, I've looked in windows\rings but that's not all of them. Vin has some cool ringtones that other roms don't have and as I switch back and forth I'd like to be able to keep a few.
i see all of them in windows folder, i counted them. i got lots of cool android moment ring tones cabbed up if ya want them plus some cool ones mal used on his rom?
Originally Posted by kozmo
I think I'll like this more too. thanks
Darren, is there a cab you don't have? lol you've been thanked once again
thanx bro, least you didnt call me a smart ass after i helped ya.
Originally Posted by yearn
I agree, I cant tell a difference in any of them (except the my tp2 locks up when I try to overclock)
Not enough gain to mess with for me.
But on another note I love this ROM, Never gets the S.O.D, never locks up, SMS works great. Great work vin!~
Also, I got another question.
Sometimes when I make a call, in the middle of the call the phone/Dialer screen goes to a screen with the lockscreen wallpaper and big green and red oval buttons. I actually really like it, it looks pretty cool.
I used advanced config to disable the HTC dialer but it dont look the same.
Any ideas??
any chance of a screen shot, probably shak n save would work?