Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
after testing its all worthless imo, my tp2 is older now and just needs a good rom and im good. poor tp2 shouldnt be overclocked.
I agree, I cant tell a difference in any of them (except the my tp2 locks up when I try to overclock)
Not enough gain to mess with for me.
But on another note I love this ROM, Never gets the S.O.D, never locks up, SMS works great. Great work vin!~
Also, I got another question.
Sometimes when I make a call, in the middle of the call the phone/Dialer screen goes to a screen with the lockscreen wallpaper and big green and red oval buttons. I actually really like it, it looks pretty cool.
I used advanced config to disable the HTC dialer but it dont look the same.
Any ideas??