Thread: Data in Europe
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Old 07-17-2010, 05:40 PM
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Re: Data in Europe

Originally Posted by MacWilder View Post
Maybe. Upon reflection, I'm inclined to think that what the Sprint tech told you is total bs. Frequently, when you ask questions that the Reps cannot readily answer, they will just say anything to get rid of you quickly. For example, when I was talking to a Rep regarding my data problem, they told me that, as of a given date in February, Sprint was no longer supporting data of any sort in The Netherlands, Switzerland, and Greece, which were the three countries about which I inquired. The stated reason: they were having too much trouble with fraud. It develops that none of this was true at all, but they were very specific. I therefore recommend that you call up as if it were the first time to request the plan. If they say the same thing, you should call up again, and maybe even a third time (separating each call from the others by a few hours, of course, to minimize the chance of getting the same rep.) The other way they deal with customers asking complicated questions is to say they are going to transfer you to somebody else and then drop the call entirely. Both happen frequently. In fact, one should hang up on any Rep who appears not to be knowledgeable and start again, as an unknowledgeable rep can cause all sorts of problems when messing around in your account. They may be friendly, but they are not your
It has officially been canceled as of this month - I found many news articles about it. No more international data plans - period. Pay per KB.
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