Originally Posted by jonpry
I have not been on IRC in a while, but back when I was working on this, I was in the channel all the time. There aren't many people, or maybe any, working on TP2 any more, all HD2. Even when there were, other people usually don't like to get started on other peoples projects. They have there own thing going on, and their own vision on how to solve the problem.
Haha .. havet seen you on the irc channel in ages. Since that last talk we had about getting you a dev tp2 to maybe do jtag stuff if i remember correctly.
It's tru, the channel is really dedicated for hd2 right now. Cotulla has been nice enough to translate some asm for me from time to time but ive yet to solve my own project of hw3d. I believe sound and 3d suffer from the same issue at this point. In android the qualcom driver loads fine but there are no interrupts from the gpu.
Anyways, its obvious there is enough demand for sound. Still interested in getting that jtag stuff done. I'll throw in some bucks to getting you a dev phone. I'm sure others here as well .