That's true. MS Quit Windows Mobile (as mentioned earlier Windows Mobile 7 is not Windows Mobile). Just like Sony "quit" making PlayStation 3s better and better (instead, fewer and fewer features).
Anyway, Windows Mobile will soon give way to the poorest GUIs in history and massive amounts of Toilet Paper scrolling. For the last 6, maybe seven years, we have started moving completely backwards in the GUIs in these OSes - we started with having up to 20 buttons on a screen that you could comfortably poke with a stylus, even a fingernail, and now apple steered us into NO Scrollbars, NO more than two massive buttons at a time on a screen. If you look back at it, its really a laughable fail.
What will the future hold? Maybe this is just the tip of the iceberg. Ten years, we'll have all 5.5 inch screens that are still these ridiculous touchscreens, and there will be two buttons at a time, max. We'll be toilet paper scrolling all day long to get through to the bottom of a good read in a thread say here at the PPCGeeks community forums, which is embarrassing, considering in the year 2006 or 2007 this task would have taken about one second because of those handy Windows Mobile scrollbars.
It stays alive as long as you want to keep it alive before taking the fail train even further.
- 2 Bunny